Thursday, 27. June 2024


Svemirko ENG

Svemirko will perform on the Garden Stage of the Arsenal Fest on June 27th.


Svemirko is a Croatian pop band, whose name was inspired by the contestant of the same name on the quiz show “Najslabija karika” (“The Weakest Link”).

Their first song, “Zbogom proleteri”, was released in 2015. Their debut album, “Vanilija”, came out in 2017, followed by their second album “Tunguzija” in 2018. In 2020, they released their third studio album, “Skalamerija,” which marked the completion of their “-ija” trilogy.

Some of the most famous songs are: “Zena od vanilije”, “Vanilija”, “Miris grada”, “Zauvijek zen”…