
All details about Arsenal Camp: Opening and closing times of gates, where tickets can be purchased, rules…

Arsenal Camp is located in Veliki Park in Kragujevac, near the entrance to Cika Daca Stadium at Kralja Milana IV 102. The camp opens on June 27th at 12:00 PM and the gates of Arsenal Camp close on June 30th at 12:00 PM. The camp will be open 24 hours.

Tickets can be purchased through Tickets.rs and at all their sales points, including in Kragujevac:

Delfi Knjizara Kragujevac, Kralja Aleksandra I Karadjordjevica 30
Malutas travel, Miloja Pavlovica 9
OMV – Kragujevac, Kneza Mihajla bb
Trafika 11, Kralja Petra I 32v
Every camper must purchase an Arsenal Camp ticket. The ticket guarantees only a spot in the camp; it does not grant access to the festival.

It is mandatory to have a printed ticket!

By purchasing a ticket for 1,500 dinars, you secure a camping spot for all three days of the festival. Each camper must have their own ticket. It’s your responsibility to provide everything else – tent, sleeping bags, wireless chargers for phones, lamps, dry food, drinks, and anything else you need for the three days of the festival. Organizers provide all necessary hygiene facilities (showers are located in the Cika Daca Stadium facilities).

Campfires are strictly prohibited!

If you wish to sleep in a camper, van, or car, you can park within Cika Daca Stadium, but only in designated parking areas. The grassy area is designated for tents and sleeping bags. Although the camp is open 24/7, it is essential to respect other campers and the camp’s daily schedule.